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Home » Why Does Yogurt Give Me Heartburn | Best Answer on Internet

Why Does Yogurt Give Me Heartburn | Best Answer on Internet

Yogurt is a common food allergen, so it can undoubtedly trigger heartburn. If you tried yogurt in the past and never had any issues, the problem might be related to something added to the yogurt or processed into it.

If you are wondering why does yogurt give me heartburn, Please read on!

Many people report pain after eating yogurt. Gut bacteria release stomach acid that worsens acid reflux. Hepatoids can be increased from histamine production in individuals with certain medical needs, histamine becomes more active. This may contribute to stomach acid reflux and may also cause heartburn.

According to a Quora User, people who are not lactose intolerant may also experience heartburn. The reason is the acidity of yogurt leading to higher pH levels. When your stomach has a lower pH level than this, it substantially leads to heartburn.

Yogurt is healthy and can help the body kill bad bacteria and improve health. In addition it increases the immune system and boosts the body immune system. But unfortunately some people wont tolerate eating yogurt and frequent heartburn is caused when the bacteria in the gut release stomach acid reflux and histamine.

Foods That are Usually Processed into Yogurt Include

-Milk, concentrated and condensed

-Sugar and sugar substitutes

-Whey and whey derivatives

-Corn syrup and corn syrup solids

If you’re not sure what was added to the yogurt or how it was processed, ask your doctor for a referral to a dietitian. He can review your medical history with you and help you figure out whether yogurt is right for you.

Yogurt should be part of an overall heartburn relief plan to prevent future attacks. You should avoid eating it before bedtime because that increases the likelihood of heartburn, no matter how healthy the yogurt might be!

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Why Yogurt May Aggravate the Heart Burn?

Heartburn is the result of backing up the esophagus resulting in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). The foods that include the stomach acid production or relaxing a muscular ring which is responsible for separating the stomach and esophagus leading to hearburn.

A yogurt that is high on saturated fat or total fat can put you in trouble The foods rich in fat are responsible in inducing the GERD. The risk of acid reflux increases with high-fat dairy. 

What Kind of Yogurt is Good for Acid Reflux?


The type of yogurt that would be best for you is plain, low-fat yogurt that do not trigger acid reflux. If it’s available, ask for a probiotic variety containing live or active cultures. Choosing organic yogurt instead of non-organic will ensure that it is free from GMOs, growth hormones, and antibiotics, all of which contribute to heartburn.

How Much Yogurt Should I Eat To Treat Acid Reflux?

As with most other foods, you would want to start small by including a tablespoon or two of yogurt in your daily diet. Work up slowly from there until you find the ideal amount for your body.

What is the Least Acidic Yogurt?

As we know that fatty foods and high-fat dairy products leads to acid reflux, Plain yogurt that is low-fat or non-fat is the least acidic form of yogurt that helps in acid reflux. However, even if you choose to eat a flavored variety with added sugar and fruit, choosing organic ingredients will help ensure that it is free of chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics that can contribute to develop acid reflux symptoms.

Can Lactose Intolerance Cause Reflux?

Yes, if lactose intolerance is severe, it could cause acid reflux. That’s why you should test for lactose intolerance before choosing yogurt, just in case.

Does Greek Yogurt Cure heartburn?

Greek yogurt has a thicker consistency than other types of yogurt and therefore contains more probiotics which can help relieve heartburn symptoms. It’s also lower in lactose which will prevent stomach upset or bloating and contribute to heartburn.

How does Yogurt affect Reflux?

Yogurt contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and B vitamins, including vitamin B12, all-natural ingredients that can help relieve heartburn symptoms. Yogurt is also low in fat and sodium, which can contribute to heartburn and contain live or active cultures that can help fight acid reflux.

Foods that reduce heartburn (acid reflux)

The acid reflux might produce a bitter taste after reaching the pharynx. Some fatty food can even trigger heartburn as it blocks food from the gut. This puts extended pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter the LES is a circular band of muscle that usually closes the lower end of the gullet to ensure.

The overstretching of the LES leads to a regurgitation of the contents of the stomach upward that causes the stomach to move upward. Spices like garlic or raw onions, black pepper tomatoes, citrus fruit and vinegar may also trigger.

What causes heartburn is an imbalance between the amount of acid reflux produced by the stomach and the strength of the sphincter muscle that holds it in your stomach. As food passes into your throat, if this muscle isn’t holding back all the digestive juices from the stomach it can cause a burning sensation in your throat.

The severity of this problem varies from person to person, depending upon your body’s ability to cope with the excess acid reflux in your stomach. But anyone who has experienced it will know that there is no fun in eating food that makes you feel like fire.

There are many natural foods that can help neutralize existing heartburn and prevent it from occurring, and they do not include the big pharma drugs that just cover up the problem or add even more acid reflux to your stomach.

These ingredients will reduce heartburn by counteracting the acid reflux in your stomach with their alkalizing effects:

– Oatmeal

– Bananas

– Aloe vera juice

– Papaya

– Potatoes

– Ginger

– Raw, organic honey

– Coconut oil (for cooking)

By combining the above ingredients into your daily diet you will be able to reduce or eliminate your heartburn within a few weeks and if done correctly the improvement should last without any need for further treatment.

What Are Acid Reflux Implications?

The typical event of acid reflux is unpleasant. This occurs in about half of individuals with GERD. Not all have symptoms, but when they do it’s typical for them to wake up at night, and it’s also common for them to experience heartburn after eating a big meal or drinking certain beverages such as coffee or orange juice.

There is no specific test that can be performed to diagnose acid reflux disease (also called GERD) – the diagnosis is made by your healthcare provider based on history and examination.

What is GERD?

The typical event of acid reflux is not necessarily dangerous. However. GERD is gastroesophageal reflux disease, the term given to describe this condition of creating stomach acid reflux. When acid backs up into your esophagus, you have heartburn, otherwise known as gastric reflux or just plain reflux.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Helps heartburn Yogurt?

Although lemon is considered highly acidic, when the small amount of lemon juice is mixed with honey and warm water, it turns alkaline. It is an effective way to neutralize stomach acid.

Does Drinking Water help Acid Reflux?

Drinking water reduces the pH levels of acidic meals like sour yogurt. It helps in reducing the chances of acid reflux. There are various studies that suggest that you should consider drinking mineral water with high hydrogen carbonate to calm the severity of acid reflux.

Is Heartburn A Symptom of Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose is usually associated with a number of digestive complications including Heartburn. But, it is not an ideal indicator. If you expereince any relief by cutting down the foods that are high in lactose, then heartburn can likely be due to lactose intolerance.

How Do I Know If I am Mildly Lactose Intolerant?

If you experince any symptom after 30 minutes to 2 hours of eating lactose intolerant food such as diarrhea, vomiting or nausea, it indicates that you are mildly lactose intolerant. Belly pain and gas are the another strong indicators of lactose intolerance.  


Yogurt Expert Sonia Uvezian was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. A renowned expert in Middle Eastern and Caucasian cooking and winner of a James Beard Award, she is the author of six other highly acclaimed cookbooks, such as Recipes and Remembrances From An Eastern Mediterranean Kitchen, Cooking from the Caucasus along with The Book of Yogurt.