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Home » How Much Greek Yogurt Should I Eat: 99.9% People Don’t Know

How Much Greek Yogurt Should I Eat: 99.9% People Don’t Know

How much yogurt should I eat per day? The answer depends on your age, gender, height, and weight.

There are two types of yogurt: plain and flavoured. Plain yogurt contains live cultures that aid digestion and boost immunity. Flavoured yogurt has added sweeteners such as sugar or honey. Both types contain protein and calcium.

Yogurt is a great source of probiotics, which support digestive health. Probiotic bacteria help prevent diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal disorders. One cup (240 ml) of low-fat yogurt provides 8 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat. 

Hence, People often ask, How Much Greek Yogurt Should I Eat?

6 oz or 3/4 cup of Greek Yogurt is the ideal serving for Greek Yogurt. It is the perfect amount of yogurt that gets you right amount of yogurt nutrition (protein).

People often consider Greek Yogurt super-healthy and eat it in large chunks. Eating two to three containers of Greek Yogurt each day is too much. It accounts for more than 500 calories and nearly 100 grams of sugar that leads to unwanted weight gain and increase blood sugar levels. 

What Happens When You Eat Greek Yogurt Daily?

If you eat Greek yogurt in moderation daily, here are some of the incredible health benefits that you derive from it:

1.     Keeps you feel full

As Greek Yogurt is high in protein, it makes you feel full for a longer time and curbs your hunger. Experts says, Greek Yogurt can be helpful in fighting belly fat. When the protein breaks down into amino acids, it triggers phenylalanine which is hormone that reduces your appetite. As your calorie-intake comes down, it helps you with weight loss.

2.     Good Bacteria for your Gut health

Their is an influx of healthy probiotic bacteria as the Greek yogurt is full of live active cultures . Always check the labels before buying a Greek Yogurt so that it contains live cultures and not dormant cultures. Look if the milk is sourced from grass-fed cow to get the quality yogurt.

3.     Excellent source of Protein 

The standard serving of 3/4 cup of low fat Greek Yogurt gives you around 17 g of protein which stands as 40% of RDA. It can be accounted for more protein than 2 large eggs, Hence, yogurt is an excellent high-protein food for vegetarians that outrank many high protein non-vegetarian options. 

4.     Provides You Essential Minerals and Vitamins

Greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12. Greek yogurt is made by straining regular yogurt through cheesecloth. The result is a thick, creamy product that is low in lactose and high in protein. It is often used in place of sour cream or mayonnaise when making dips and spreads as a healthy substitute. It is also great mixed with fruit and granola for a super charged breakfast

5.     Helps Prevent Heart Disease

It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce triglyceride levels, lower cholesterol, and improve heart function. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate one to two servings per week had a 27 percent reduced risk of coronary artery disease compared to those who didn’t consume any at all.

6.     Boosts Immunity

It is packed with beneficial bacteria and enzymes that boost immunity. These bacteria aid digestion and help fight off infections. They also promote good gut health. Studies show that consuming fermented foods like yogurt improves immune system functioning and lowers inflammation.

7.     Prevents Diabetes

Yogurt has been linked to reducing diabetes risk because it promotes insulin sensitivity and regulates blood glucose levels. In fact, studies suggest that eating just half a cup of plain Greek yogurt every day could prevent type II diabetes.

8.     Improves Digestion

Yogurt is a natural digestive aid that aids in proper stomach acid production. This helps break down proteins and fats, which are essential nutrients for our bodies.

9.     Calcium Rich Food

A glass of Greek yogurt provides about 200 mg of calcium, which is almost double what you would find in a glass of milk. Calcium is vital for strong teeth and bones, and it’s important to include this nutrient in your diet.

Can I Gain Weight With Eating Yogurt?

Yes, eating excess of yogurt can cause the weight gain. Choose a non fat Greek yogurt over a full fat yogurt to cut down the calories. Adding walnuts, fruits, honey and dried dates also helps to enhance the calories in Greek Yogurt. 

Full Fat Vs Non Fat – which Greek Yogurt is better?

Depending on your goals, full fat and low fat Greek Yogurt works for you. If you are looking up yogurt as a standalone snack then full-fat Greek Yogurt is an ideal option with the well-rounded protein and fat. But if you are looking for a calorie deficit, then consider adding low fat yogurt to your diet. 

What are the healthiest Greek Yogurt Brands?

Here are some healthiest Greek Yogurt Options in 2022:

1.     Chobani Less Sugar Greek Yogurt

Chobani has always topped the chart in brands when it comes to Greek Yogurt. This Less sugar yogurt is a creamy delicacy that you would love to add to your morning breakfast to feel fuller and energetic. The buttery texture of this yogurt makes it an excellent alternative to mayo and cream.

2.     Stonyfield Organic Greek Plain 0% Fat Yogurt

With the perfect texture and right tartness, Stonyfield yogurt is an excellent choice as a Greek Yogurt. Made from the milk of pasture raised cows, this yogurt is free from gluten and USDA Organic to provide you with the best quality ingredients. 

3.     Siggi’s Strained Yogurt

The non GMO ingredients and its tangy flavor make this incredibly popular among the yogurt lovers. With no added preservatives, Siggi Yogurt is free from added sugar and colors to make it a perfect pick for calorie-watcher.


Greek Yogurt is not only known for its incredible tart flavor but also for its incredible health benefits. It’s loaded with probiotics, vitamins and minerals that keep us healthy. So next time you reach out for a bowl of Greek Yogurt, be sure to eat it in moderation.

Yogurt Expert Sonia Uvezian was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. A renowned expert in Middle Eastern and Caucasian cooking and winner of a James Beard Award, she is the author of six other highly acclaimed cookbooks, such as Recipes and Remembrances From An Eastern Mediterranean Kitchen, Cooking from the Caucasus along with The Book of Yogurt.