According to the scientific community, regularly eating yogurt is suitable for high blood pressure.
The recent discovery by Harvard scientists of a link between GI (glycemic index)/GL (glycemic load) and hypertension has clearly shown that carbohydrate consumption affects our health. It is because there’s now sufficient evidence that links increased consumption of high GI/GL foods with an increase in levels of triglycerides, which results in an increased risk for hypertension.
Recent studies have shown that the consumption of low-fat dairy products, regardless of the calcium content, is associated with lower blood pressure. Milk contains specific peptides or components that are metabolized into angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibiting peptides.
It is believed that this peptide can inhibit the production of a hormone associated with high blood pressure. In addition, dairy products are rich in L-arginine, which results in lowered levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA). High levels of ADMA are associated with cardiovascular issues, including hypertension.
As a result, researchers believe that regularly consuming 2-3 servings of dairy products per day can help reduce blood pressure levels. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the consumption of low-fat dairy foods has been recommended because they are rich sources of nutrients for people, including calcium and potassium, which are nutrients associated with lower blood pressure levels.
However, researchers say that Yogurt specifically lowers DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) risk even more than other low-fat dairy products. The reason is that yogurt contains probiotics or the “good bacteria”, including Lactobacillus, that are believed to affect the gut microbiome positively.
The DASH diet has been shown to lower blood pressure. It is rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and whole grains. This dietary approach also limits high-sodium foods. To increase its benefits, researchers recommend adding nonfat or low-fat yogurt to the DASH diet.
Why is yogurt good for high blood pressure?
According to the American Heart Association, the DASH diet is associated with lower blood pressure. Experts recommend adding nonfat or low-fat yogurt to it for increased benefits.
Yogurt recap
If you have high blood pressure issues, consider regularly eating a serving of low-fat yogurt each day. It will help manage your condition and increase the overall quality of your life.
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Yogurt for High Blood Pressure: Is It Good for Hypertension?

Yogurt has been linked with reducing hypertension and also heart attacks. Yogurt is a dairy product that comes from milk, which used to be fermented by lactobacillus. This fermentation process produces lactic acid and makes yogurt sour. Bacteria called thermophilus and bulgaricus are added to make yogurt.
These bacteria are found in the intestines of yogurt makers, but the acidic nature of the food usually destroys them.
One ounce of low-fat plain yogurt has around 20 to thirty milligrams of calcium and other vitamins while providing protein benefits. MedlinePlus also notes that the probiotics, or healthy bacteria, in yogurt can help with digestion and reduce heartburn risk.
Yogurt is further linked to reducing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes and obesity because it has a low glycemic index (GI). The GI ranks foods on how quickly they cause blood sugar levels to rise. Yogurt typically has a GI value under thirty-five, while foods with a higher GI can increase the risk of heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes.
Yogurt contains protein, calcium, and other vitamins while providing probiotics benefits as well.
What does high blood pressure mean?
High blood pressure is a problem where the force on your artery walls is too high to be expected. If you have high blood pressure, then your heart has to work harder than it should. It can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.
When you don’t get enough potassium in your diet, this can lead to higher blood pressure levels. People who eat a lot of salt will often take in less potassium than they need, increasing their risk of high blood pressure.
Potassium can help reduce hypertension, but some medicines that lower blood pressure may also cause you to have low potassium levels. If you are on these types of medicine, your doctor will probably recommend taking a calcium supplement since calcium often helps balance the effects of these medications.
If you already have high blood pressure issues, you should talk to a health care professional before adding a potassium supplement to your diet.
Yogurt can be part of a healthy lifestyle – it contains the goodness of calcium, potassium, and probiotics. But make sure you speak to your doctor first if you are taking medication for hypertension or any other health concern.